
Notebook authors: Ina Rusch

Package authors: Martin Rother, Ina Rusch


Python package: ibpmodel
Swarm Data Handbook

Basic usage#

import ibpmodel as ibp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Calculate the IBP model at given time of year, position, and conditions:

    day_month=15,       # Day of Year or Month
    longitude=0,        # Longitude in degree
    local_time=20.9,    # Local time in hours
    f107=150,            # F10.7 cm Solar Flux index
Doy Month Lon LT F10.7 IBP
0 15 1 0 20.9 150 0.3547
ibp.calculateIBPindex(day_month=['Jan','Feb','Mar'], local_time=22)
Doy Month Lon LT F10.7 IBP
0 15 1 -180 22 150 0.0739
1 15 1 -175 22 150 0.0722
2 15 1 -170 22 150 0.0717
3 15 1 -165 22 150 0.0728
4 15 1 -160 22 150 0.0771
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
211 74 3 155 22 150 0.2061
212 74 3 160 22 150 0.2025
213 74 3 165 22 150 0.1994
214 74 3 170 22 150 0.1967
215 74 3 175 22 150 0.1943

216 rows × 6 columns

Plot the global pattern for a given day:


Plot the month vs longitude pattern:


More examples#

ibp.calculateIBPindex('Jan', longitude=170, local_time=np.arange(-2,-1,0.1))
Doy Month Lon LT F10.7 IBP
0 15 1 170 -2.0 150 0.0814
1 15 1 170 -1.9 150 0.0830
2 15 1 170 -1.8 150 0.0843
3 15 1 170 -1.7 150 0.0850
4 15 1 170 -1.6 150 0.0853
5 15 1 170 -1.5 150 0.0852
6 15 1 170 -1.4 150 0.0846
7 15 1 170 -1.3 150 0.0837
8 15 1 170 -1.2 150 0.0823
9 15 1 170 -1.1 150 0.0806
ibp.calculateIBPindex(day_month=[1,15,31], longitude=[-170,175,170], local_time=0, f107=150)
Doy Month Lon LT F10.7 IBP
0 1 1 -170 0 150 0.0411
1 1 1 175 0 150 0.0456
2 1 1 170 0 150 0.0486
3 15 1 -170 0 150 0.0430
4 15 1 175 0 150 0.0477
5 15 1 170 0 150 0.0508
6 31 1 -170 0 150 0.0478
7 31 1 175 0 150 0.0529
8 31 1 170 0 150 0.0563
ibp.plotIBPindex('Feb', cmap='viridis', alpha=0.9)
doys = [319, 349, 15, 46]
fig_doys, axes_doys = plt.subplots(len(doys),1, layout='constrained',figsize=(9, 15))
for d, ax in zip(doys, axes_doys):
    ax, scalarmap = ibp.plotIBPindex(d, ax=ax)

ibp.ibpforward.setcolorbar(scalarmap, fig_doys, axes_doys, fraction=0.05)
solar = [90, 130, 180]
doy = 349
fig_solar, axes_solar = plt.subplots(len(solar),1, layout='constrained',figsize=(9, 13))
fig_solar.suptitle(f"Doy {doy} with different solar radio flux", fontsize=16)

for f, ax in zip(solar, axes_solar):
    ax, scalarmap = ibp.plotIBPindex(doy, f107=f, ax=ax)
    ax.set_title(f"IBP by solar radio flux {f}")

cbar = ibp.ibpforward.setcolorbar(scalarmap, fig_solar, axes_solar, fraction=0.05, orientation='horizontal')
cbar.set_label('new label name')
ibp.plotButterflyData(150, cmap='magma')
solar = [130, 180]
fig_bfly, axes_bfly = plt.subplots(1,len(solar), layout='constrained',figsize=(12.4, 5))
for b, ax in zip(solar, axes_bfly):
    ax, scalarmap = ibp.plotButterflyData(b, ax=ax)

ibp.ibpforward.setcolorbar(scalarmap, fig_bfly, axes_bfly)

Visualisation along Swarm orbits#


%pip install --quiet lxml
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv

Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import ibpmodel as ibp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta, date
from viresclient import SwarmRequest
def getlt(datum, lon):
    '''Output of the day of the year and local time for specifying date(s) and longitude(s).
    datum : datetime or list of datetimes
    lon : int or list of int
        The geographical longitude, ``-180 <= longitude <= 180``.
        contains (list of) day(s) of the year and (list of) local time(s)
    def calclt(date, lon):
        return round((date.hour + date.minute/60 + date.second/3600 + 24*lon/360) % 24, 1)
    if isinstance(datum, datetime):
        doys = int(datum.strftime('%j'))
        lts = calclt(datum, lon)

    elif isinstance(datum, list):
        doys = []
        lts = []
        for d, l in zip(datum, lon):
    return (doys, lts)

def loadsatellitedata(starttime, endtime, satellite):
    '''Load data via viresclient
    starttime : datetime
    endtime : datetime
    satellite : str
        name of satellite 
    request = SwarmRequest()
                         auxiliaries=['F10_INDEX', 'F107'])
    data = request.get_between(starttime, endtime)
    df = data.as_dataframe()
    df = df[ (df.Bubble_Index > -1) ]
    return df

def downloadfn(dates):
    '''Download Solar Radio Flux for specified date(s).
    dates : datetime or list of datetimes
    list of numpy.float64
        Solar Radio Flux
    def loaddf(year):
        df = pd.read_html(f'https://spaceweather.gc.ca/forecast-prevision/solar-solaire/solarflux/sx-5-flux-en.php?year={year}')[0]
        return df
    def getfn(df,date):
        return df[ (df.Date == date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) & (df.Time == "20:00:00") ]["Observed Flux"].values[0]
    if isinstance(dates, datetime):
        years = [ dates.year ]
        dates = [ dates ]
    elif isinstance(dates, list):
        years = [ dates[0].year ]
        raise TypeError(f"must be datetime or list of datetimes")
    df_fn = loaddf(years[0])
    fn = []
    for d in dates:
        y = d.year
        if y not in years:
            df_fn = pd.concat([df_fn, loaddf(y)])
            fn.append(getfn(df_fn, d))
            fn.append(getfn(df_fn, d))
    return fn

def calcindex(df):
    '''Calculation of the IBP index. If Solar Radio Flux lower than 80 the IBP index is set to -1.
    df : pandas.DataFrame (with columns Doy, Lon, LT and F10.7)
        contains the columns: Doy (Day(s) of the year), Month (Month(s) from the day of the year), 
        Lon (Longitude(s)), LT (Local Time(s)), F10.7 (solar index(es)), IBP (Ionospheric Bubble Index, value(s) between 0.0 and 1.0).
    def calcibp(index, row):
        df = ibp.calculateIBPindex(day_month=int(row["Doy"]), longitude=row["Lon"], local_time=row["LT"], f107=row["F10.7"])
        df = df.set_index([pd.Index([index])])
        return df
    index_sort = df.index
    tmp = df[ (df["F10.7"] < 80) ].copy()
    tmp["IBP"] = -1
    tmp['Month'] = [ int(datetime.strptime(f"2023-{t}","%Y-%j").strftime('%m')) for t in tmp.Doy ]
    tmp['Month'] = tmp['Month'].astype(int)
    di = pd.DataFrame(columns=tmp.columns)
    i = 0
    for index, row in df[ (df["F10.7"] >= 80) ].iterrows():
        if i == 0:
            di = calcibp(index, row)
            i = 1
            ib = calcibp(index, row)
            di = pd.concat([di, ib])

    di = pd.concat([di, tmp])
    di = di.reindex(index_sort)
    return di[['Doy','Month','Lon','LT','F10.7','IBP']]

def satelliteIBP(df):
    '''Calculation of the IBP index at the specified time and longitude
    df : pandas.DataFrame (with DatetimeIndex and columns Longitude and F107)
        with column IBP (Ionospheric Bubble Index, values between 0.0 and 1.0)

    # Create required columns
    df['Lon'] = np.rint(df['Longitude'])
    df['dt'] = df.index
    df['timediff'] = ((df.dt - df.dt.shift()) / np.timedelta64(1, 'm')).gt(3).cumsum()
    df['londiff'] = np.absolute(df['Lon'] - df['Longitude'])

    tmp = df.loc[df.groupby(["timediff", "Lon"]).agg({"londiff": ['idxmin']})[('londiff', 'idxmin')].values]
    tmp["Doy"], tmp["LT"] = getlt(tmp.index.tolist(), tmp.Lon)
    tmp.rename(columns={"F107": "F10.7"}, inplace=True)
    tmp['IBP'] = calcindex(tmp[['Doy', 'LT', 'Lon', 'F10.7']])['IBP']
    # merge df and tmp
    df = pd.concat([df, tmp['IBP']], axis=1)
    del df["Lon"], df["dt"], df["londiff"], df["timediff"]
    return df

def globalIBP(datum, fn=150):
    '''Calculation of the IBP index for all longitudes at the specified time.
    datum : datetime
        contains the columns: Doy (Day of the year), Month (Month from the day of the year), 
        Lon (Longitudes), LT (Local Times), F10.7 (solar index), IBP (Ionospheric Bubble Index, values between 0.0 and 1.0).
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Doy", "Lon", "LT", "F10.7"])
    df["Lon"] = np.arange(-180,180)
    df["Doy"], df["LT"] = getlt(datum, df["Lon"])
    if datum.date() >= datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).date():
        df["F10.7"] = fn
        df["F10.7"] = downloadfn(datum)[0]
    return calcindex(df)

IBP index around the earth at specific time#

datum = datetime(2015, 1, 10, 2, 30).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
#datum = datetime(2016, 4, 21, 22,50,0).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)

df1 = globalIBP(datum)
df2 = globalIBP(datetime.now())

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(12, 8), layout='constrained')
df1.plot.scatter(x='Lon', y='IBP', title=f'IBP index at {datum.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}', 
        xlabel='Longitude', ylabel='Probability', grid=True, xlim=(-180,179),
        c='IBP', colormap='plasma_r', vmin=0, vmax=1, ax=ax[0],
# sharex=False - must be there because there is still a bug and xlabel and tickmarks will not appear otherwise
df2.plot.scatter(x='Lon', y='IBP', title=f'IBP index now', 
        xlabel='Longitude', ylabel='Probability', grid=True, xlim=(-180,179),
        c='IBP', colormap='plasma_r', vmin=0, vmax=1, ax=ax[1],

for a in ax:


IBP Index along the orbit of a satellite#

starttime = datetime(2022, 11, 26, 17,0,0).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
endtime = datetime(2022, 11, 28, 5,0,0).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)

sat = 'B'

df = satelliteIBP(loadsatellitedata(starttime, endtime, sat))


fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(17, 5), layout='constrained')

df.plot(x="Longitude", y="Bubble_Index", ax=axes[0], color='orange', kind='scatter', label='IBI - Bubble_Index')
#df.plot(x="Longitude", y="Bubble_Probability", ax=axes[0], color='g', kind='scatter', label='IBI - Bubble_Probability')
df.plot(x="Longitude", y="IBP", kind="scatter", ax=axes[0], color='b', label='IBP')

df.plot(y="Bubble_Index", ax=axes[1], color='orange', marker=".", linewidth=0, label='IBI - Bubble_Index')
#df.plot(x="Loy="Bubble_Probability", ax=axes[0], color='g', kind='scatter', label='IBI - Bubble_Probability')
df.plot(y="IBP", marker=".", linewidth=0, ax=axes[1], color='b', label='IBP')


for ax in axes:
    ax.set_title(f'Plasma Bubbles detectet by satellite {sat}')

F107 Radius Flags_q Flags_Bubble Latitude Bubble_Probability Flags_B Bubble_Index Longitude Flags_F Spacecraft IBP
2022-11-26 17:32:38 107.242806 6888588.78 0 0 -44.990729 0.0 0 0 41.735251 1 B NaN
2022-11-26 17:32:39 107.242790 6888584.63 0 0 -44.927609 0.0 0 0 41.736026 1 B NaN
2022-11-26 17:32:40 107.242774 6888580.47 0 0 -44.864488 0.0 0 0 41.736791 1 B NaN
2022-11-26 17:32:41 107.242758 6888576.30 0 0 -44.801367 0.0 0 0 41.737544 1 B NaN
2022-11-26 17:32:42 107.242742 6888572.13 0 0 -44.738245 0.0 0 0 41.738287 1 B NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2022-11-28 04:40:16 107.127674 6875021.45 0 0 44.727242 0.0 0 0 -122.568657 1 B NaN
2022-11-28 04:40:17 107.127672 6875010.38 0 0 44.790612 0.0 0 0 -122.567896 1 B NaN
2022-11-28 04:40:18 107.127669 6874999.32 0 0 44.853982 0.0 0 0 -122.567125 1 B NaN
2022-11-28 04:40:19 107.127667 6874988.26 0 0 44.917352 0.0 0 0 -122.566342 1 B NaN
2022-11-28 04:40:20 107.127665 6874977.22 0 0 44.980722 0.0 0 0 -122.565549 1 B NaN

32710 rows × 12 columns
